Thursday, August 28, 2014

Calling all Cousins...welcome to the family!

Tonight I had a delightful conference call with two cousins that "found" me through this blog. They wondered if there were any Waltons left and, as we chatted, it turns out that at certain times, like me, they lived within close proximity to other branches of the Walton family and never knew it. Chances are we could have crossed paths in the grocery store and never knew we where related.

My new acquaintances are descendants of Robert Walton, the second (surviving) son of George and Wilhelmina Constance Long Walton.

Sharon Cherny is the daughter of Robert and Helen's daughter Constance Charlotte.  Marnie Caleen is Sharon's daughter. They have graciously agreed to share some of the family history of their line with me and my readers.

Since I started researching our Walton family,  I have discovered (or been discovered by) cousins that descend from five of the seven children of George and Constance that had descendants. The missing two lines are eldest brother William and sister Lillian Halpin. If you're out there, please let me know, I'd love to make your aquaintance.

Sharon and Marnie have already been helpful in identifying family members in a photo published in an earlier blog. In fact it was this photo of her great-grandmother that caught her eye!

I had gotten this photo from cousin Alice Kearins, a descendant of Charles Walton. Her Grandfather, pictured,  had moved to Florida (I think).

Marnie told me that the house pictured was the house where Helen lived in St. Pete, Fl. Helen's  daughter Virginia (Gin) may have taken the picture as it looks like her husband, Jimmy, and daughter, Char, are the two unnamed people in the photo.

Helen died in 1978 making this photo is earlier than that. Robert died  Jan 23, 1973. Since he is not pictured this was probably have been after his death.  I had originally guessed mid-70's.

I look forward to learning more about the Robert Walton line (Sharon said his nickname was "Walnut")

So Yes, Sharon, there are still Walton's out here, and now you're one of us!

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