Monday, June 20, 2011

The Walton's of Staffordshire

From April 22  through April 24, 2011, my wife Ruthann and myself, Rick Walton, traveled to Staffordshire, England to visit the villages that my ancestors immigrated to America from.

After spending the last twenty-five years studying my family's Genealogy I was finally able to visit the places they were born, educated, married, worked, lived and died.  I can't tell you the thrill of sitting in the church where your great-grandfather was baptized or the disappointment of visiting the cemetery where your Great-Great grandparents are buried, but not being able to find their grave markers. For three days I walked the same dusty village roads that they did. After meeting local residents and viewing old photographs it has become clear that these remarkable villages have remained much as they were when my ancestors lived here.  

As an avid photographer I took many photographs to document my visit. As a avid researcher, I was able to locate many places that were important to my ancestors in their daily lives.

I now invite my family, my cousins and my friends to join me on this journey and see through photographs and stories, the English villages in Staffordshire that the Walton Ancestors came from

1 comment:

  1. My name is Barbara Walton Moraski, my dad is John C Walton his father was Charles Walton wife Hanna, would love to touch base with you, my cousin Joannie Gemma gave me this information you can reach me at My dad is s till living and would love to hear from you also.
