Friday, January 29, 2016

Who are the "Westchester Waltons"?

Vital Records

I created this matrix as a way to keep track of Vital Records for the "Westchester Waltons". These where our Grandparents. Their Vital records give us clues about their lives. As we research them, I would like to track who has what to encourage sharing and avoid costly duplication. I am not necessarily recommending that we publicly post this information, but I am happy to share what I have  with appropriate relatives. Just ask.

If you have some info about your ancestor's, please let me know and help me fill in the chart. If you would like to obtain Vital records about your ancestor and are not sure how to do it, please let me know and I can help.

Status of Official Vital records

Name Descendant  Birth Marriage Death WW1 SS Application
William (Bill)  Walton
Direct Ancester unknown,
Research by Frederick Walton
No NoNoYes-RWNo
Robert ("Bub")
Direct Ancester unknown,
Research by Frederick Walton
NoYes- RW NoYes-RWYes-RW
Harry Walton 
Craig Adams Walton & Claudia ShuttleworthNo No NoYes-RWNo
Charles (Chum) Walton
Alice Kearins and Cheryl FrostNo
Yes-RW No Yes-RW Yes-RW
Constance Elizabeth Walton

No descendants
No NoNoNo 
Sharon Walton-Wood,
Donna Marie Walton & Cathy Wright
No No NoNo  No
Lillian Louise (Walton) Halpin
Connie Ludwig

No Yes-RW  NoNoNo
John Walton
no descendantsNo None No NoNo
Fred Walton
Rick WaltonYes-RW
NoNo Yes-RW
Last update 129/2016 by Frederick Walton